Digital Health Lab


The Digital Health Lab is one of the locations of the project ANTHEM - AdvaNced Technologies for Human-centrEd Medicine, which hosts the activities of doctors, engineers, physicists and economists both from universities and public and private hospitals involved in the project, in a newly designed space that offers opportunities for contamination and collaboration in a high-tech-density environment.

Innovative digital medicine for the territory

Inaugurated on 26 January 2024, at the Campus of the University of Bergamo in Dalmine (BG), the Digital Heath Lab is the result of a collaboration between the European Foundation for Biomedical Research (FERB), the University of Bergamo, the University of Milano-Bicocca, ASST Bergamo EST and ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII within the activities of the Anthem Foundation in which they participate.

Research and innovation

In the Digital Health Lab research and innovation in the field of digital medicine are promoted to ensure a significant impact on the scientific community and local healthcare systems, through both preventive and innovative therapeutic solutions. The objective of the Digital Health Lab is to make healthcare services more equitable and accessible on the territory through a data-driven approach and by exploiting the power of both sustainable and scalable digital healthcare solutions.

Activities of the Lab

The activities of the Lab include data collection both from existing databases and through experimental trials of monitoring and tracking in patient communities (with IoT- Internet of Things -  infrastructures and cutting-edge sensors); advanced analyses aimed at identifying correlations between treatments and the course of chronic and non-communicable diseases (e.g. tumours, degenerative, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases), predicting the occurrence of pathologies (chronic or seasonal), identifying risk factors according to a precision (personalized) medicine paradigm; use of health data to validate the effectiveness of treatments and reduce diagnostic errors; data storage and protection; management of health infrastructure and equipment.

Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani Piano Nazionale per gli investimenti complementari al PNRR ANTHEM